Can sync / register my self hosted instance to



I follow the instruction given on the “Connectivity Services” pages and contact you to have a little help to register my self hosted instance.

It’s a clean new install of with docker.
Everything works fine ( web interface, with SSL , I can send mail from de Email Test page ) but when i try to “Resend Email” nothing happens ( I can’t see anything in the logs and nothing in the postfix mail server log neither )

If i try the second option ( going to and clic on the “+” icon ) select offline . say that the code given by my server is invalid.

If i Clic on “Sync” nothing happen, nothing on the console or in the network tab from Chrome.

Can you help me with this ?

I can’t install anything from the store.


Server Setup Information

  • Version of Rocket.Chat Server: 3.3.3
  • Operating System: Linux ( Centos )
  • Deployment Method: Podman ( docker )
  • Number of Running Instances: 1
  • DB Replicaset Oplog: Enabled
  • NodeJS Version: 12.16.1
  • MongoDB Version: 4.2.8
  • Proxy: apache wit hSSL
  • Firewalls involved: firewalld ( open on port 443, 80 )

Any additional Information

I have already encoded a support ticket but It’s probably a better place for asking help.

Thanks for your help

Can your workspace talk to the internet? If so use the regular install

Currently installing from marketplace will only work if can talk to the internet as well. (We are working to change that so you could download and sideload for airgapped. But it’s not there yet)