Having issues using zapier to send a message to any channel.
Note: it can create a new channel with no problems but can’t post in any channel. has not been disabled
also added to the channel to see if that helped
Server Setup Information
- Version of Rocket.Chat Server: 4.3.2
- Operating System: Ubuntu
- Deployment Method: snap
- Number of Running Instances: 1
- DB Replicaset Oplog:
- NodeJS Version: v12.22.8
- MongoDB Version: 4.2.17
- Proxy: apache
- Firewalls involved: standard
Any additional Information
Log says: Not enough permission
“type”: “Error”,
“message”: “Not enough permission”,
“stack”: “Error: Not enough permission
at validateMessage (app/lib/server/functions/sendMessage.js:152:10)
at sendMessage (app/lib/server/functions/sendMessage.js:166:2)
at processWebhookMessage (app/lib/server/functions/processWebhookMessage.js:84:25)
at (app/api/server/v1/chat.js:132:25)
at app/api/server/api.js:407:96
at Meteor.EnvironmentVariable.EVp.withValue (packages/meteor.js:1234:12)
at Object._internalRouteActionHandler [as action] (app/api/server/api.js:407:39)
at Route.share.Route.Route._callEndpoint (packages/nimble_restivus/lib/
at packages/nimble_restivus/lib/
at packages/simple_json-routes.js:98:9”