Zapier - not enough permission


Having issues using zapier to send a message to any channel.
Note: it can create a new channel with no problems but can’t post in any channel. has not been disabled
also added to the channel to see if that helped

Server Setup Information

  • Version of Rocket.Chat Server: 4.3.2
  • Operating System: Ubuntu
  • Deployment Method: snap
  • Number of Running Instances: 1
  • DB Replicaset Oplog:
  • NodeJS Version: v12.22.8
  • MongoDB Version: 4.2.17
  • Proxy: apache
  • Firewalls involved: standard

Any additional Information

Log says: Not enough permission

“type”: “Error”,
“message”: “Not enough permission”,
“stack”: “Error: Not enough permission
at validateMessage (app/lib/server/functions/sendMessage.js:152:10)
at sendMessage (app/lib/server/functions/sendMessage.js:166:2)
at processWebhookMessage (app/lib/server/functions/processWebhookMessage.js:84:25)
at (app/api/server/v1/chat.js:132:25)
at app/api/server/api.js:407:96
at Meteor.EnvironmentVariable.EVp.withValue (packages/meteor.js:1234:12)
at Object._internalRouteActionHandler [as action] (app/api/server/api.js:407:39)
at Route.share.Route.Route._callEndpoint (packages/nimble_restivus/lib/
at packages/nimble_restivus/lib/
at packages/simple_json-routes.js:98:9”

Hi! Sorry, I have missed this message :frowning:

Indeed, we are facing problems with Zapier integration for a while now.

We are trying to figure out whats going on.

Ok, There is a work around!

You need to provide the permission to “Impersonate Other Users” to the same user you are authenticating at the OAuth stage.

Let me know if it works for your.

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Here my permission. What i need to modify?

The user you authenticated with Zapier need to have the role bot.

So you can go to Admin > Users, find the user, edit, and add the role bot to it.

Thankyou, now work. just added BOT role