Tried to upgrade today but got the below error. Anybody know how to fix it?
root@HOMESERV:/var/snap/rocketchat-server# sudo snap refresh rocketchat-server --channel=4.x/stable
error: cannot perform the following tasks:
- Run configure hook of "rocketchat-server" snap if present (run hook "configure": [ERROR] "http://localhost:3000" is not a valid url)
I also try it on clean state after reinstall rocket-chat server and got same error.
Yes I’m followed by this instruction.
First time I use both command (sudo snap refresh rocketchat-server and sudo snap refresh rocketchat-server --channel=4.x/stable ) on work instance and got error.
Then I delete rocketchat via snap delete command and install new clean version by comman snap install. It’s by default install 3.18.3 version, I checked that its worked and then try swith to 4.x channel and got the same error.
One more thing is that wheni got error than command “snap info” show that installed 4.1.2 version. And the main proccess cannot start, starting only mongodb proccess.