Steps to modify and rebuild Android App

With the helpful community and the documentation provided, I could able to run the server with the client in my local machine along with cosmetic changes required in my server.

I am trying to rebuild Android app so that I could accommodate few cosmetic changes but couldn’t do it.

I am trying to do following changes and rebuild the app:
a) to be able to connect through my server only
b) to be able to customize the name of the app with mobile app logo (rebranding etc)
c) and rebuild

Being a newbie,i even followed this documentation but couldn’t, therefore looking for any help or point me to similar thread please?

Thanking you in advance.

Check the readme file it says:


Rocket.Chat mobile is moving to React Native. Development on this repository by Rocket.Chat has now ceased. If your team is interested in taking over and maintaining this Android native client repository then please contact us.

A few methods for contacting the server no longer work between this android app and the current server version. You coul try with RC-react-native

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@cestev This post is 3 years old :see_no_evil:

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