Snapd is not working

Dear CSR,
Please note that snapd is not working today and i am unable to deploy Rocket Chat server on my Ubuntu 20.4.
It was perfectly working 1 week ago on cloud (
Error is as attached for your kind review and advice.

Hi! Welcome to our community :hugs:

We have just updated snap tracks to latest 6.0.0 and I was able to install it.

Rocket.Chat 6.0.0 snap uses mongo 5.0.0, that has som incompatibilities with CPUs without AVX. This might be it

Let me know if this helps :slight_smile:

Thanks dear for your prompt reply.
But what will be the solution in this case.
I have used the following commands on my Ubuntu cloud server:

sudo apt upgrade
sudo apt update
sudo apt install snapd
sudo snap install rocketchat-server

Waiting for your reply.


If you want to keep using the 5.X version, you can specify it when installing:

snap install rocketchat-server --channel=5.x/stable

let me know if this helps :slight_smile:

Thanks a lot dudanogueira, Its works perfectly.
You made my day easy.
God Bless You !