I am working with a self hosted instance of RocketChat 4.0.1 and Mongo 5.0.3
I first set a user status active to false through the rest api then when the user was to be reactivated I successfully reactivated the user and the user was visible in all channels they had been a part of but they were not visible in any of the teams they were a part of before being set inactive. I am unsure if this is a bug or something that is intentional and am hoping someone can give me a little feed back on if the user should be re-enabled in all teams they were previously a part of or do I need to manually go through each team and update there status in those teams after setting there account active again.
Server Setup Information
- Version of Rocket.Chat Server: 4.0.1
- Operating System: Docker
- Deployment Method: docker
- Number of Running Instances: 1
- DB Replicaset Oplog: Enabled
- NodeJS Version: 12.22.1
- MongoDB Version: 5.0.3
- Proxy: apache2
- Firewalls involved: None
Any additional Information
There is nothing in my logs to point at what is really happening