Just upgraded to 6.4.4 and now user presence is disabled.
Presence service cap The service is now disabled. You can’t reenable it again until there’s less than 200 active connections at the same time
Active connections 217/200
Yet we only have 53 users and only a fraction of those are actually online at the moment.
Where can I see these “active connections”?
The main workspace page shows this:

I don’t see anything like 217 connections there.
I also ran a mongodb query and got this:
rs01 [direct: primary] test> db.serverStatus().connections;
current: 56,
available: 51144,
totalCreated: 70,
active: 5,
threaded: 56,
exhaustIsMaster: 1,
exhaustHello: 1,
awaitingTopologyChanges: 5
After investigating this a bit more, I suspect that an “active connection” is any instance of the webserver connecting to rocketchat. This includes every visitor browsing our website since the livechat snippet creates a connection whether it’s used or not. To me this is absurd - if they are going to throttle features based on usage, at least base it on actual online users.
Of course, I’m only guess about this. Would be nice if a dev chimed in on the matter.
Thank you for reporting this. I am asking the team to investigate and reply here.
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I guess @christopher.skelly doesn’t work here any more 
Does any other rocket.chat team member have an answer about this?
I can say with a high degree of confidence he does 
Do you have user connecting from many places at the same time? Like having Rocket.chat open on multiple screens at same time?
We’ve got the same problem. We have widget placed on our site so it seems every time somebody is browsing through site it’s counting as a connection… I’ve tested and after restart proxy (nginx) the number goes to ~20 until the users do not refresh site/js do not reopen widget. It’s really stupid limit to not rely on ACTIVE users.
Hi Aaron - thanks for your response. Not sure why but I did not see a notification or I would have responded earlier. Please see my post above:
After investigating this a bit more, I suspect that an “active connection” is any instance of the webserver connecting to rocketchat. This includes every visitor browsing our website since the livechat snippet creates a connection whether it’s used or not.
The issue is not related to users having multiple connections. I can confirm this by disabling the Livechat widget and watch my “active user” count drop to normal. Looks like @ kokoszka has noticed the same thing.
Is this a by design or perhaps an oversight? I think it’s a really unfair way of assessing usage if we are going to be penalized by feature disablement. Please consider revising the way this works so that only real users with an actual login will count toward connection count.
@christopher.skelly can we count on some input there? It’s really anoying and generates a lot of problems in daily usage (i.e Omnichannel agenst do not see each other when trying to forward a conversation etc)