Safari Iframe shows a grayScreen

We have a rocketchat instance running and it gets accessed via an Iframe in our webapp. It works perfectly as it is. But now we are trying to create an IOs webView to access to our webApp. So when our webApp is ran locally we still access the remote rocketchat (the one runing in a test server). Whats hapening is that the iframe containing rocketChat shows a gray screen and nothing else.
We have tryied inside the webview with an Iphone emulator and with Safari (Version 16.1 (16614., 16614)) in the same computer with the same result.

What we want to understand is:
¿Is there a known issue accesing rocketChat with IOs and our particular Safari version?
¿Could this be due to CORS since we are accesing to the webApp locali runing and Rocketchat runing in a different server?

Server Setup Information

  • Version of Rocket.Chat Server: 5.0.0
  • Operating System: Ubuntu
  • Deployment Method: Docker
  • MongoDB Version: 4.4
  • Proxy: nginx

Any additional Information

Thanks in advance