Rocket Chat keeps sending "Click to Join" automatically


I was trying to enable video chat with Jitsi in settings, after I tried it with my colleague, I turned it off.

Then one of my colleague kept getting my video chat inviting “Click to Join” from middle night, almost every 10 ~ 20 minutes, he will get a “video chat” invitation from me (check the screenshot below), which is really weird.

Seems like a “crontab” behavior but I am not sure, any suggestions to fix this? Thank you

i have the same problem. help us

It’s happening to me as well, and persists after removing Jitsi, disabling video chat in settings, and restarting Rocket.Chat. I can see it happening in the logs, but they don’t seem to contain any clues as to why.

it happened to me again tonight

Same problem, one month ago, and tonight/today.
Some one had solved?

I updated rocketchat to version 3.6.0 and I continue with this problem.

Someone enters a conference through Jitsi via the call button and every 1 minute we receive the message “Click to Join!”.