as Thunderbird Add-on - Notifications not working

Hi there,

have written a small Thunderbird Add-on, that connects to our server.
All works fine except notifications (new message and so on). In error console I cann see error message “Error: Missing host permission for the tab”.
Tried to fix this with Thunderbird settings but no success :frowning:

Does somebody tried that also and can give me some hints to fix this?



Is this Add-on open source?

how it connects to Rocket.Chat?


If it will be working all as expected, have no problem to make it open source.

But as I said, this is a very simple Add-on. I use Thunderbird built in browser engine (Gecko) to connect to our server:

browser.browserAction.onClicked.addListener(() => {
    url: browser.runtime.getURL("")

As I said, all works without any issues except notifications. Think some security policies prevent notifications, but don’t know how to deal with this.

So this may be something close to an iframe integration.

This may help you:

You will need to listen the notification from the iframe and pass it over to thunderbird. There is a listener for that. This works on regular browsers, but not sure how it may behave inside thunderbird.

I’ve never done that kind of upgrade. Is it possible to access to a full tuto or make it an Add-on ?
thank you :slight_smile: