Rasa / Rocketchat integration comms issue


I’ve successfully connected dockerised Rocketchat and Rasa instances, and can message the bot from RC, but it repeats the reply - Rocketchat appears to think the reply it’s getting is empty. Has anyone seen anything like this before?

{"level":40,"time":"2022-03-11T18:49:09.320Z","pid":9,"hostname":"58c1ef9d129f","name":"Integrations","section":"Outgoing WebHook","msg":"Result for the Integration CFSBot to http://bot_rasa:5005/webhooks/rocketchat/webhook is empty"}
{"level":40,"time":"2022-03-11T18:49:13.004Z","pid":9,"hostname":"58c1ef9d129f","name":"Integrations","section":"Outgoing WebHook","msg":"Result for the Integration CFSBot to http://bot_rasa:5005/webhooks/rocketchat/webhook is empty"}
{"level":40,"time":"2022-03-11T18:49:13.291Z","pid":9,"hostname":"58c1ef9d129f","name":"Integrations","section":"Outgoing WebHook","msg":"Result for the Integration CFSBot to http://bot_rasa:5005/webhooks/rocketchat/webhook is empty"}
{"level":40,"time":"2022-03-11T18:49:14.436Z","pid":9,"hostname":"58c1ef9d129f","name":"Integrations","section":"Outgoing WebHook","msg":"Result for the Integration CFSBot to http://bot_rasa:5005/webhooks/rocketchat/webhook is empty"}
{"level":40,"time":"2022-03-11T18:49:16.309Z","pid":9,"hostname":"58c1ef9d129f","name":"Integrations","section":"Outgoing WebHook","msg":"Result for the Integration CFSBot to http://bot_rasa:5005/webhooks/rocketchat/webhook is empty"}

Server Setup Information

  • Version of Rocket.Chat Server: registry.rocket.chat/rocketchat/rocket.chat:latest
  • Operating System: Ubuntu 21.10
  • Deployment Method: docker
  • Number of Running Instances: 1
  • DB Replicaset Oplog: nothing of note
  • NodeJS Version: n/a, containerised
  • MongoDB Version: 4.0
  • Proxy: none, direct comms between containers
  • Firewalls involved: none

Any additional Information

Rasa docker image digest is 065332414b9d.

I originally tried two different containers on different Docker networks, which is how I ran into this. I moved them to the same docker-compose file to eliminate networking as a possible cause, but the problem persists.

Hi! Welcome to our forums! :slight_smile:

Just to make sure:

How have you integrated Rasa and Rocket.Chat?

I ask that, because there are two ways of integrating it:

You can install the Rasa App in Marketplace.

Or, using webhooks.

Also, please state the versions you are using :slight_smile:


Hi! Thanks for the welcome :smiley: I’ve got the webhooks in place following these docs:

(I noticed I had to use admin-level creds for the webhook, which seems a bit dangerous!)

The following versions show up in the admin area:

RocketChat is version 4.5.1
Node is v14.18.3
MongoDB reports 4.0.28 with oplog enabled

Git commit info: HEAD: (ec4397db0)

Rasa reports v3.0.8 at its web endpoint.

Such a weird one. It responds fine, just too many times…

Hi , I am also getting the same issue of many times the same response. are you able to resolve the issue?

Consider that If you plan on using Rasa with Omnichannel, the way to go is using the Rasa App from our Marketplace.

I will set up a bot environment later this week, and will try to reproduce this. I will use the latest 4.6.3 version. I’ll bookmark it to this next friday.

@dudanogueira I am facing the same issue. I have done setup with Rasa and followed the same steps as in the documentation to place webhook URLs in the outgoing webhook.
But it gives multiple responses for a single input.

Can you please look into this.

@matt_n have you fixed the issue

Hey all, sorry for the radio silence. It looks like I’ve fixed? the problem; at least, it’s no longer happening again.

My docker compose file:

version: '3.0'
    image: rasa/rasa:latest
      - 5005:5005
      - ./:/app
      - run

(rasa image ID is af746018de8c )

Rocket.Chat is running at the latest version (4.8.1?)

The bot seems pretty happy at the moment, which is nice. Let me know if you’d like info on how my integration and bot user are set up for comparison.

EDIT: spoke too soon. Now the bot stops reponding after the first question.

EDIT 2: never mind. Back to the original problem.

Hi there!

I am facing the same issue after doing Rocket chat - Rasa webhook integration. Any suggestion to fix it?


  1. rocketchat

image: registry.rocket.chat/rocketchat/rocket.chat:${RELEASE:-latest}

  1. Rasa

image: rasa/rasa:latest-full

Hi! If you plan on using Rasa with Rocket.Chat Omnichannel, the best way to go is using the Rasa App:

@dudanogueira tried Rasa with RC omnichannel using RasaApp from marketplace but it is not working, rasa is not receiving any request from RC. Any idea or possible solution!!

While I have already tested Rasa with Webhook but facing the same issue multiple bot replies.