New UI - How Important is time zone for you?

Hi Guys

As a part of Redesign or mobile apps, my last challenge was worked on the user Detail screen for the app.

On every UI that I work, I always follow some rules to think about what my goal is, where I want to go with the interface. These rules usually are, what is the main screen information, which secondary, which is the main function of the screen how useful it can be.

I believe that the Rocket.Chat Mobile App can have a slightly different function from the others (Desktop or Web), the app like others on my iPhone, is a tool.
I tried to follow a line of reasoning, thinking that I am 24/7 with the app on my personal device, and the work message or calls may arrive any time. Remote work positions do not stop coming, we will see more and more personal and professional life merge.
In addition, many companies like us are born with global vision, and the timezone begins to be an important component in our day to day, we have to either adjust to working with our team or we have to respect the schedules of our coworker’s country.

So, I understood that in the User Details screen, the timezone will be more than just an information, but rather a component of attention to the coworker’s schedule.
Before send a message or make a call, check the correct time to do that.

The translation of the time/hour can be simultaneous in the interaction.

What do you think?!


I personally think this is awesome!!

It seems as a remote person… i’m constantly doing timezone conversions. Like daily some times.

Though I will say from the mockup… its not 100% clear which is my time and which is their time.

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Very nice @thiagosanchez.

We already suggested that addition to our interface, it could be at the header of the room or inside the user’s details like you did. I personally prefer it at the room level to be able to see that information right when I enter on the screen.

Another point to evaluate should be the mention list, I often see the necessity to know if someone is awake before mention it.

At the and, I really like the idea and my vote is to be implemented on all interfaces.

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This is very cool indeed, and I agree that it should be implemented on all interfaces, this is very useful, not only on the user details, but in the other places that Rodrigo mentioned too.

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100% agreed that this is some information that needs to be on the user details and perhaps also on the “members” list (?).

I found this component a bit confuse in terms to know what is the time of the user and what’s mine. I know I can compare to my own clock, but could be something directly on the screen maybe?

Another question: how does it look when the user has the same timezone as you? Imagine a team where everybody has the same timezone (and nobody is travelling), how would this be useful to them?

Have you tried a simpler interaction first, and then going to this detailed component? We could have first a simple view: user’s time right now, and then we some interaction, we could present this component?


Thanks for the feedback Aaron! I suppose that is not 100% clear which timezone is yours. I’ll think how can I resolve that.

Great Rodrigo! I think that the next step is develop and envolve this idea! I really like the approach of use on the mentions and conversations header.

Definitely a great idea to include local timezone info for other users who are in a different zone, but I think this design treatment takes up too much space, and visually it is over complicated with two timelines overlaid. I already know my own time, I just need to know theirs.

I prefer Slack’s minimal text based approach


The one thing I would add for Slack is the day of week so its obvious if the remote user is ahead or behind my own local time. This can matter on Fridays and Mondays when it may not be obvious the remote person is enjoying their weekend! Eg it could say something like:

Timezone 3:34 AM Wednesday


Timezone 3:34 AM Wednesday, UTC -8

Which allows me to immediately orient myself re their timezone, while consuming minimal screen real estate.

Simple text also is easier to squeeze into other parts of the UX like beside remote user’s avatar in rooms and DMs


I like this idea. Keep it simple and allow this component to be brought up for quick timezone comparison. Especially(or maybe only) if timezone is different

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Very good relevant article found by @rafael.kellermann

Programming time, dates, timezones, recurring events, leap seconds… everything is pretty terrible.

The common refrain in the industry is Just use UTC! Just use UTC! And that’s correct… sort of. But if you’re stuck building software that deals with time, there’s so much more to consider.

It’s time… to talk about time.

(Also it’s time for a lot of time-related puns. Please prepare yourself accordingly.)

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Guys, I tried a different kind of organization to make information more clearly, what do you think?
@Foxy I know that the slack timezone is simple, but the objective of our feature is compare the future hours.


I think this makes clear what time is which.

Does this slider let you pick a different local time and the above time update?

If so does it always show? Or does clicking/tapping something expose this slider?

Yes! This is the idea! I had done a video prototype with the old version to show the idea. In the prototype, the numbers can’t change in real time (is the limitation of the tool) but I think that tells the idea.

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In the realm of relationships, time zones can present challenges and opportunities. When loved ones or friends reside in different time zones, it can evoke a sense of longing and yearning to bridge the physical and temporal distance that separates us. The emotional toll of time zones can be felt deeply, as we eagerly await moments of sugarcreek ohio tourism connection and strive to synchronize our schedules across vast expanses.