Hello everyone! I’m trying to migrate from Mattermost to RocketChat. Both are self-hosted in Docker containers.
I’m extracting Mattermost data directly from a PostgreSQL database and sending it to RocketChat via the API.
I’ve successfully migrated users, channels, and private channels, but I’m stuck on messages.
When I transfer messages via the API, there’s no way to set the timestamp. As a result, the messages appear in the chat as if they were sent just now, whereas I need them to display with the correct date.
If I try inserting data directly into MongoDB, the messages don’t appear in the chat.
So I have two questions:
1 Is it possible to send a message in such a way that it appears with a past date?
2 How can I make Rocket.Chat display messages that were inserted directly into MongoDB?
MM Mobile app getting worse for several years, slow UI, messaging, etc. My team mostly mobile app users, so we want to move to something different.
Seems like I figured it out.
No, api does not have such fields.
Before put data into mongo database message object must include _id field. After reading code i notice that id is random generated string not object, if message missing this - mongo generate _id as an object. So i just implement code like RC uses in internal libs in my importer and it works.