Install SSL, and configure rocket chat with https protocol

I am looking for a developer to install SSL, and configure rocket chat with https protocol…
Thank you

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You can contact me, we are developing base on Rocket.Chat so we have experience install Rocket.Chat with ssl

Hi Jitsi,

Are you still available for help?

I’m in the midst of installing a Rocket Chat droplet on Digital Ocean. All is going well but this tiny detail which holds me from going live: the SSL connection.

I have created a Rocket.Chat Droplet ‘rocketchat-ubuntu-s-2vcpu-4gb-ams3-01’ and would like to add the SSL connection. After several attempts it still did not work. When I enter the code “rocketchatctl configure --lets-encrypt --root-url=URL –”, I receive an error message and the rocket chat app turns off completely (please see mock-ups).

I have followed the exact Getting Started manual of DigitalOcean, but as soon as I add the commands in the terminal, Rocket.Chat doesn’t function anymore.

Everything is set up correctly (at least what I can think of): droplet is turned on, firewall off and public networking is up.

There is no specific error (announcement) before Rocket Chat closes, other than the one I sent you earlier. It just closes and all settings are erased.

We use a third-party (sub)domain (hosted by Dutch hosting provider Vimexx) from which we redirect to the Digital Ocean server.

What would your suggestion be to move forward?

Thanks a lot in advance,


By redirect do you mean you have dns record set for your sub domain pointing to the ip of the droplet?

dear aaron could you please help in this

hi si
what is your skype?

Hello @khaled.darwish
Hope you are doing well!

Would like to work on your requirement
PM sent with details, pls check
