Implementing Rocket Chat in our own native apps

Hi All,

Has anyone came across this issue where you want to integrate rocket chat in your own app?

Is there a way to do it or any guidelines on how to do it?

Our company is ready for any contractors who has experience in doing this.


Hey @shorabhd, that’s awesome!

Do you plan to fork our apps, or to integrate into your own app just calling the APIs?

Thank you!

Hi @rafael.kellermann

We are trying to integrate in our own app just calling the APIs…


Nice, what language are you guys using?

We’ve already an SDK written in Kotlin that implements most for the requests:

We’ll start working in one for Swift later this year.

Thanks @rafael.kellermann for quick responses.

We have Swift, Java, TypeScript and PHP.

Our Android app is mostly based on Java. So we were thinking to use the Java SDK or Android deprecated one.

Is there some reference or docs where I can start with Swift?


You should be fine using our Kotlin SDK in your Java project.

About the Swift one, you can follow what we do here:

Thanks a lot. Will look into it. @rafael.kellermann

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how can i implement rocket chat in my own app i am using kotlin language
Please help me out how can i achieve it

@shorabhd have you implement rocket chat in your own app ?

Hi @umairahmed, in Android, we are using Java SDK (deprecated). They do have Kotlin SDK which you can use. In iOS, there is no SDK, unfortunately so we have to do it ourself.

@shorabhd so how did you do that …? implementing it our own app…
i’ve added kotlin SDK in my app so far… whats next?

Hi @rafael.kellermann
do we have any guidelines to build an app around RocketChat native app which written in ReactNative?
Best regards,
Ahmed Saleh


Hi @shorabhd, have you tried to use webview? What’s the status of your implementation now?
The only problem is to create a new UI for channel and channel management (similar Messenger).