I’m not sure if I should create two topics as I am having two problems since updating to 3.18 and 3.18.1 didn’t resolve it.
Firstly, when uses upload images they are resized, almost as if displaying a thumbnail. 50% of users seem to be reporting that a few seconds after clicking the photo to see it full size, it never resizes so they just see a small, really blurry version of the intended image.
The other problem I have noticed since the same update is if users try to upload multiple files at once. eg they click + and locate 01.pdf, 02.pdf, 03.pdf and 04.pdf to be attached to their message - what happens is 01.pdf uploads four times, and the others do not upload.
Server Setup Information
Version of Rocket.Chat Server: 3.18.1
Operating System: iOS 12 on phone / Ubuntu 17.04 on VPS
Deployment Method: docker
Number of Running Instances: 1
DB Replicaset Oplog:
NodeJS Version: 12.18.4
MongoDB Version: 4.0.21
Proxy: nginx
Firewalls involved: none
Any additional Information
As mentioned above this was not noticed as a problem prior to 3.18 so I assume it’s related to that.
we released a new feature on 3.18 to show thumbnails from image uploads, saving bandwidth from the server when serving those image, but most importantly saving bandwidth and memory from mobile devices since they’re lower resolution images. unfortunately the mobile app could not released a compatible version in time, that’s why you see blurry images instead of the full resolution ones when opening them…
this will be fixed in the upcoming next mobile release…
in the meantime, you can disable this new feature going to Admin page > Message > Message attachments…