How to uninstall RocketChat server?

Hi I am trying to install Rocketchat CTL via the command line. I am doing this on Ubuntu, but I do not think that has anything to do with the issue I’m running into.

After I run:


I get the following error:

It appears you already have mongo installed, this script will skip mongo installation but can’t assure successful RocketChat server installation.
Database name for RocketChat server will be rocketchat.
Would you like to use your mongo installation for the RocketChat server database? (y/n) y

RocketChat server already installed. Cancelling

I was wondering how I can uninstall my RocketChat server? I’ve been googling for hours and hours…but cannot find the correct method. By the way, here’s the website I’m following to install this: RocketChatCTL - Rocket.Chat Docs

Thanks in advance

Good question and I don’t know the answer but will find someone who does!

Thank you SO much John! I really appreciate it

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I’ll have an answer for you in Monday. Thank YOU for this question. It’s going to be a good addition to rocketchatctl and our documentation.

Amazing, thank you!!


On installation of rocketchatctl a file is created under /usr/local/bin. If we want to remove rocketchatctl from your system, try this - sudo rm -f /usr/local/bin/rocketchatctl

Let me know if this works for you. Thanks!

I’ll try this as soon as I get the chance to - will let you know how this works before the beginning of next week. Thanks!!

You may need to disable/remove the systemd service as well.

We will be writing a proper guide on this soon.