We’re only on 33 users and our setup apparently puts us in the “Enterprise” tier, designed for “businesses needing high-level scalability”!
I get the impression from the lack of clarity, understanding, and support around this issue, that the RC team are looking at Slack and being blinded by the dollars in their eyes. It seems as though their understanding of notification usage fails to consider that 80% of their install base either don’t use push notifications, or are inactive/test/experimental installations. I say that on the basis that ours is used by a small bunch of friends and we’ve had 40-52k notifications/month for the past 3 months. RC team: if you’re going to use your usage statistics in your pricing strategy you need to remove the outliers.
It’s crazy. If RC don’t provide a solution in the next couple of days they’ll lose us as a potential customer because I’ll be looking into the custom app builds route. Neither Google nor Apple charge extra for push notifications. If I do end up taking that route I’ll, at the very least, publish a step-by-step guide to doing so.
Again I must stress, we’re more than happy to pay a reasonable price for additional notifications (we don’t need any other extras listed on the pricing plans). We’re still hanging on as a potential customer, but RC need to be realistic here and take into account the fact we’re literally just a group of mates keeping in touch - there’s no enterprise thing going on here, no business, no organisations involved. If it’s not affordable we’ll need to find an alternative solution.