Final Update on Registration Requirement to Utilize Push Gateway

Thank you guys for your feedback.

Anyone operating on-premises deployed servers with less than 5k mobile pushes usage per month will continue to enjoy the use of our push servers indefinitely, as Gabriel Engel has mentioned. This represents, by far, the majority of you.

As active community members, we are hoping that the $5 and $10 a month Github sponsorships are not too much to ask - to cover our operating cost - for those who may be using our push server for up to 15k mobile pushes a month.

You can find Github sponsorship information here. And information on how to apply your sponsorship credits towards your workspace here.

For any non-profit or similar organizations that may be using more than 15k pushes a month, or community users in hardship, we encourage you to reach out to us asap via:

Email :


We are seriously looking at those with more than 15k mobile pushes a month, but still need to use our gateway and for some reason did not subscribe to one of our extended plans. If you can, we also urge you to reach out to us and we can work out something agreeable together.

As for the ability to configure push notification to your specific preference / requirement, it is an issue we have been addressing continuously for the past two years - after Gabriel Engel’s initial message in January 2019. We apologize if the current code does not meet your specific requirements – but we are still listening and will continue to evolve the solution with your support.

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