Error compiling Rocket Chat Marketplace App

Hello there,

I installed all needed files for creating Rocket.Chat Marketplace Apps but when I run “rc-apps create” or “rc-apps package” I get an error:

Error: absolute path: C:/Users/User/test/app.json
at validateMetadataPath (C:/Users/User/AppData/Roaming/npm/node_modules/
at ZipFile.addFile (C:/Users/User/AppData/Roaming/npm/node_modules/
at AppPackager.zipItUp (C:/Users/User/AppData/Roaming/npm/node_modules/

If I’m not allowed to use absolute paths then how can i else package my app?

Thanks for support

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I’m also running into this issue. Could it be a Windows specific issue, an issue with ‘\’ vs ‘/’?

Edit: I can confirm that it is working fine on Ubuntu machines.

Very possible, can you provide some steps to reproduce?

On a windows machine:
Install rc-apps cli with npm install -g. I’ve been using the latest 1.3.2.
Create a Rocket Chat app using rc-apps create.
Try to package app with rc-apps package.

I got
Error: absolute path
at validateMetadataPath
at ZipFile.addFile
at AppPackager.zipItUp

Someone submitted a fix Fix app packaging on Windows by jasonfah · Pull Request #44 · RocketChat/Rocket.Chat.Apps-cli · GitHub :slight_smile:

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