DockerHub updates



at the moment in DockerHub page of Rocket.Chat i present version 3.0.12 of the server.
I am using docker-compose for my server instance.

I would like to say if the version will be updated to 3.1 and 3.2.

Thanks in advance.

Kind regards.


See here:

Hello klepptor, thank you for you answer.

I am already using Rocket.Chat via docker-compose, I referred to this page:, but as you can see, last available version of Rocket.Chat is 3.0.12.

I would like to install the latest 3.2 version, but I don’t know how.

Do you know a way to update the version of rocket chat for docker-compose yml?

Many thanks.


That quite weird! If I do a “docker pull rocketchat/” I get 3.2.1 from

I tried with docker-compose pull rocketchat, but I got 3.0.12 version.

If you check dockerfile relative to docker-compose.yml ( you can view that version 3.0.12 is fixed and not updated.

Well, the docs say you should use

docker pull rocketchat/
docker-compose stop rocketchat
docker-compose rm rocketchat
docker-compose up -d rocketchat

to update to an new image. So simply do not use docker-compose to update the image.

This method worked quit well for me, from 3.0.2 to 3.0.11 to 3.1.1 to 3.2.0 to 3.2.1 :grinning:

I tried, but no way for me. Still 3.0.12 are running.

In which folder did you launch commands?

Simply in the folder where the yml file is



How does your yml file look like?

I modified compose.yml and now it seems to be ok.

Thank you very mych.
