Disable Updates with Snap



I’m trying to disable automatic updates in Rocket.Chat installed via Snap
I found this command on the WEB

sudo snap set system refresh.metered=hold

I need to be sure that it would not automatic update again.

Server Setup Information

  • Version of Rocket.Chat Server: 4.5.5
  • Operating System: Ubuntu 20.04
  • Deployment Method: snap


I believe this is more a snap question than Rocket.Chat

I would suggest you to try it on a staging environment and making sure this command will work.


There is a new command to hold updates of snap packages.

This should work, but I don’t want to guarantee it.

root@host:~# snap refresh --hold rocketchat-server
General refreshes of "rocketchat-server" held indefinitely

And maybe you want to disable the Update Checker in your admin backend (last setting on “General”). This saves you one or two shocks.