In the current Deprecated and phasing out features document there is a section about air-gapped limitations, which mentioned a fossify script which can create “a fully open-source version with no limitations”, sound great.
But I have a difficult time figure how to use the script.
I can see in 7.0.0 version of Rocket Chat source code, there is “fossify” script defined in package.json.
I ran “yarn fossify” after running “yarn”, that worked.
But other places of code still references code from ee directory, e.g. useLicenseLimitsByBehavior.ts has a line import { validateWarnLimit } from '';
which references
which is deleted when running fossify script and I am stuck there, not knowing how to do with the function.
Is there another script to run or patchset that is available for applying that can make fossified Rocket Chat run/build?