Did anyone got fossify build working?

In the current Deprecated and phasing out features document there is a section about air-gapped limitations, which mentioned a fossify script which can create “a fully open-source version with no limitations”, sound great.

But I have a difficult time figure how to use the script.

I can see in 7.0.0 version of Rocket Chat source code, there is “fossify” script defined in package.json.

I ran “yarn fossify” after running “yarn”, that worked.

But other places of code still references code from ee directory, e.g. useLicenseLimitsByBehavior.ts has a line import { validateWarnLimit } from '@rocket.chat/license/src/validation/validateLimit'; which references @rocket.chat/license which is deleted when running fossify script and I am stuck there, not knowing how to do with the function.

Is there another script to run or patchset that is available for applying that can make fossified Rocket Chat run/build?

It purely removes licenced code. ie code that cannot be used/modified.

That does not mean it will remove registration code which I believe is still open source.

You’ll have to unpick that yourself.

Note the devs comments here:

There’s a difference between Community Edition and the FOSS version;

Community Edition is the basic rocket.chat as it exists on the repository, just without any enterprise license applied to it. It can use the code that is flagged as EE;

The FOSS version on the other hand includes only the code under the MIT license. Currently there’s no “ready to build” version of it available yet. The fossify script just removes everything that isn’t FOSS.
