Database migration to a fresh installation?


i still want to upgrade an existing RC installation.

Actually i dont know the kind of deployment on the existing installation. I think manual.

Is there a way to backup the mongo db and restore it to a fresh installation with docker using the specific same version of mongo db to update later the nice docker installation?

the existing rc version is 3.13.1
the existing MongoDB Version is 4.0.23

is there a docker image available with this versions to begin?

I would backup the db, restore in the new installation on a separtate machine and upgrade after this is done.

have a nice day :smiley:


Hi! That’s indeed what you need to do:

Dump the database, restore it at the same version on a docker environment, and then you go upgrading to recent versions.

It’s not recommended to jump majors, so from 3.13.1 you could go all the way to latest 4.5.3 with no problems.

All the images are available in our docker repositories. For instance:


thank you for the answer, as i am not very much skilled yet in linux systems, could you give me the command line syntax to install this specific Rocket Chat version? my Test Ubuntu 20.04 LTS is ready :slight_smile:


Please refer to this documentation for deploying Rocket.Chat: