Under any user’s ‘My Account’ there is a ‘Profile’ section with field ‘Bio’. By default this field is empty.
Once a user fills a text in Bio filed, he can Save changes. User can change the text in this field to something else, too.
However, if a user empties this filed and hits a button ‘Save Changes’, the change is never stored. The button ‘Save Changes’ does not get gray color in this situation, and it looks like something is wrong, whereas no error is actually displayed.
When a user visits his profile again, old text still appears there.
It may be that there is a small bug when storing empty ‘Bio’ value in user’s Profile.
Server Setup Information
- Version of Rocket.Chat Server: 3.2.2
- Operating System: Official docker
- Deployment Method: docker
- Number of Running Instances: 1
- DB Replicaset Oplog: Enabled
- NodeJS Version: v12.16.1
- MongoDB Version: 4.0.18
- Proxy: nginx
- Firewalls involved: Yes
Any additional Information
There is no error log info in Administration > View Logs when this issue happens.