Attached document not sent

Cannot send any attached document, clipboard, … They stay with 0% transmitted…

Thank for your help

Hi, to help you or recreate the problem, additional information would be helpful, e.g. what kind of client are you using, what kind of RC version is it. If the problem occurs with all files or only certain files …

I use the WEB interface, RC version is 0.69.2, just installed today.
Below the message when I try to paste from the clipboard :
Thanks for your help

… and the problem occurs for any kind of attachements.

Maybe a file permission error or a missing directory? Logs?

Hello same issue

I have installed RocketChat version 0.70.3 on Centos 7.
My upload stuck to 0% for files,audio,video… :

Can someone help pls ?

Connecting to the server via http or https?
It was like this: no files were sent if you connect to the server via http. Reconfigured on https and it all worked.

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I have reinstalled rocketchat and now the upload works.Thanks.