Dear Rocket.Chat community,
This week we released a new Android app version on Play Store! Here are the highlights of the 3.4.0, 3.4.1 and 3.4.2 release. Please refer our Android 3.4.0 changelog, Android 3.4.1 changelog plus Android 3.4.2 changelog for a complete list.
- You can now see all the channels, users and federated users from our directory feature;
- You can now sort chats by unread on top;
- You can now specify the app language without changing the Android general system language (it means you can choose from 16 different languages translations with easy);
- Typing +:emoji_name: reacts to the last message (note the + sign before the name of the emoji);
- It is now more easy to reply a message: Just swipe it from the right to the left;
- Channel messages are now loading faster than before (and we expect to continue improving it further);
- Our application totally supports to RTL languages now (Arabic, Hindi and others);
- A brand new user interface and improved animations for some screens/views;
- The drawing tools view is hidden when you are drawing and it is shown again when you are not drawing;
- General bug fixes and improvements.
- @Adizbek
- @albasheer
- @AnBo83
- @arthurbdiniz
- @Cool-fire
- @dev-ritik
- @divyanshub024
- @Exordian
- @filipedelimabrito
- @HusseinElFeky
- @kareemhamdy100
- @PigsOne
- @Pitstopper
- @RobotJINI
- @Shailesh351
- @VirtuaproD
Thank you very much to all of you!
More information
You can see more information about the release here, here and here.
Also, you can download the app here.