Want to contribuite? a few areas we need help with code contributions II

Team, we keep seeing people asking how to get engaged, so follows a few issues we are looking for help from the community to solve.

A- Integration message attachments not collapsed when ‘collapsed: true’ provided – Message attachments not collapsed when ‘collapsed: true’ provided in v6.2.0 · Issue #29276 · RocketChat/Rocket.Chat · GitHub

B- Broken Formatting: Bold to Bold+Italic, loses underscores if text has specific symbols – Broken Formatting: Bold to Bold+Italic, loses underscores if text has specific symbols · Issue #30595 · RocketChat/Rocket.Chat · GitHub

C- Russian Alphabet Sorting - E Letter - Russian Alphabet Sorting - "Ë" Letter · Issue #30846 · RocketChat/Rocket.Chat · GitHub

D- Users’ custom status erased on a change of presence status Users custom status drops on change presence status · Issue #25940 · RocketChat/Rocket.Chat · GitHub

Thanks to abhinavkrin for solving the Slackbridge issue (feat: using slack apps for slack-bridge by abhinavkrin · Pull Request #30630 · RocketChat/Rocket.Chat · GitHub) =)