Setting your own certificate to https for rocket chat


Server Setup Information

  • Version of Rocket.Chat Server: 4.5.1
  • Operating System: Ubuntu 20
  • Deployment Method: snap
  • Number of Running Instances: 1 server, 6 client
  • DB Replicaset Oplog:
  • NodeJS Version: 14.18.3
  • MongoDB Version: 4.2.17
  • Proxy: nginx
  • Firewalls involved: ufw disable

Any additional Information

Got a question:
Previously, I created a topic for installing a letsencrypt certificate (for a mobile application), which I could not do because there were problems with the network at the university, where the server was installed and configured. (ports 443 and 80 are busy, which are needed to receive from letsencrypt).
In general, the university has its own certificate for https (it really works, for example, the university website works on it using the https protocol and many other services)

There is a problem in installing this certificate on the rocket chat server, tried many recommendations / instructions and nothing helped. refuses to work over the https protocol
Certificate in .crt and .key format
And a separate one, which is for installation on computers in the .crt format

HI! What have you tried so far?

Here we have a working example on how to config nginx with certificates other then let’s encrypt.