Rooms.list fails to respond to list of agents


The following documentation specifies that the /api/v1/livechat/rooms endpoint should accept a list of agents. However, while we can query a single agent ID/username, our team has not been able to successfully pass a list of agents.

(developer-docs/ at master · RocketChat/developer-docs · GitHub)

Server Setup Information

  • Version of Rocket.Chat Server: latest
  • Operating System: ubuntu:16.04
  • Deployment Method: docker/k8s
  • Number of Running Instances: 10
  • DB Replicaset Oplog: –
  • NodeJS Version: 12.22.1-buster-slim
  • MongoDB Version: 7.11.1
  • Proxy: nginx
  • Firewalls involved: –

Any additional Information

We have tried the following syntaxes (please note that the formatting of this forum is changing [ and ] to a in the display of this post):


Hi! Welcome to our forums :slight_smile:

Can you try something like this:



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Thank you dudanogueira, we came to the same conclusion yesterday, except we used agent[0]=user1&agent[1]=user2 syntax.

Thanks again!


Just added this information for future references in our docs :slight_smile:

Thank you! That is indeed helpful!

For anyone else who runs into this issue it’s worth mentioning that key[0]=string1&key[1]=string2 syntax appears to fail after 21 parameters in our case, but key[]=string1&key[]=string2 syntax is successful. Not sure what is causing it.