Rocketchat Docker - Save place ---> FileSystem error


Error: EACCES: permission denied, open ‘//2AEzPaZkFw4zWYk6R’ [ufs: cannot upload file]

For days I have had a problem with RocketChat where Docker is running when I change the location of the uploads from GridFS to FileSystem.
I had already changed the storage location in the docker Compose file and that had no effect either, it created the folder but it simply didn’t save anything on it. I had also given the folder to test chmod 777 but it keeps bringing me the same error, as if he either doesn’t know the location or has no rights.
I had already scoured all possible forums, unfortunately without success.
With rocketchat, where snapd runs, this works without a problem, but with the docker version it just doesn’t work.

with the configuration in volume I have the following:
Container: / app / data ----> Bind
Host: / home / username / file / rocketchat / data
I did the same with / app / uploads in a separate folder.
I had already changed it in another directory, but again and again I got the same result.
With Nextcloud and Apache webserver it worked without any problems.

As an error on the rocketchat website he gives me this error message:
Error: EACCES: permission denied, open ‘//2AEzPaZkFw4zWYk6R’ [ufs: cannot upload file]

the server log shows me the following despite chmod 777

LocalStore: cannot set store permissions 0744 (EPERM: operation not permitted, chmod ‘/app/uploads’)
LocalStore: cannot set store permissions 0744 (EPERM: operation not permitted, chmod ‘/app/uploads’)
LocalStore: cannot set store permissions 0744 (EPERM: operation not permitted, chmod ‘/app/uploads’)
Setting default file store to FileSystem
ufs: cannot write file “vHRHGCk2a36c4L2RJ” (EACCES: permission denied, open ‘/app/uploads/vHRHGCk2a36c4L2RJ’) [Error: EACCES: permission denied, open ‘/app/uploads/vHRHGCk2a36c4L2RJ’] {

errno: -13,

code: ‘EACCES’,

syscall: ‘open’,

path: ‘/app/uploads/vHRHGCk2a36c4L2RJ’

Server Setup Information

  • Version of Rocket.Chat Server: 3.15.0
  • Operating System: Fedora 34
  • Deployment Method:
  • Number of Running Instances: 1
  • DB Replicaset Oplog:
  • NodeJS Version: v12.22.1
  • MongoDB Version: 4.0.24 / mmapv1 (oplog Aktiviert)
  • Proxy: Traefik & local
  • Firewalls involved: no

So on my compose I keep it simple

Set the upload path to /opt/uploads, create a local /opt/uploads and then map them in the compose file:

# Specify an absolute path mapping
    - /opt/uploads/:/opt/uploads/

You should be able to shell in to the docket instance and check the directory - something like this.

docker exec -it “container-id” bash