I would like to restrict the access to an enabled Jitsi installation, but I can’t find any suitable permission.
So, is it possible to restrict strating a video call to a moderator, admin, ?
Server Setup Information
- Version of Rocket.Chat Server: 3.4.1
- Operating System: Debian 10
- Deployment Method: docker
- Number of Running Instances: 1
- DB Replicaset Oplog: Enabled
- NodeJS Version: 12.16.1
- MongoDB Version: 4.0.17
- Proxy: Citrix ADC
- Firewalls involved: no
Any additional Information
Hi @klepptor
You can enable either with LDAP authentication and normal plain password authentication. You can go thru this for LDAP authentication -
And for plain text authentication you can use prosody - check this link -
Hi @saigop,
thx for your reply! So, as I understand, there is no possibility inside Rocket.Chat to restrict starting a video call!?
That’s too bad… 
Isn’t this a feature worth requesting? What do you think?
Hi @klepptor
Inside RC you can authenticate via JWT authentication, its a global authentication. But I haven’t tried that.
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I believe the only things supported currently are allowing to start calls like with jwt.
I don’t think room or role level permission exists yet. Sounds like a good PR or feature request