Problem receiving message notifications

Hello, I would like to share this small problem that I am trying to solve in my mobile application and that has the notifications that I have already sent messages to the user connected to my mobile device and notifications and I believe that they have notification settings.

Then attach some images of the page

captura de pantalla de 2018-08-24 14-51-18
captura de pantalla de 2018-08-24 14-51-40

Push: Got push token from app: { id: 'RocketChatRNeXZuJAxCq49Sgitse', token: { gcm: 'fDXKzsm_PC4:APA91bFhRmBqKkTb83lVo7xp4xSXI0pvY9LIcgTDcejdsNlqILXWQEl1A7EmfntRwjNBGuoJoDhDwbHsSUGX3NPqHVeHCE_45e_y0B6QMWRnsCv7tToKuQo6tzfhx8d2G_Uob_jWmhCe' }, appName: 'chat.rocket.reactnative', userId: 'eXZuJAxCq49Sgitse', metadata: {} }

�[34mI20180824-14:56:04.226(0) Push: updated { _id: 'RocketChatRNeXZuJAxCq49Sgitse', token: { gcm: 'fDXKzsm_PC4:APA91bFhRmBqKkTb83lVo7xp4xSXI0pvY9LIcgTDcejdsNlqILXWQEl1A7EmfntRwjNBGuoJoDhDwbHsSUGX3NPqHVeHCE_45e_y0B6QMWRnsCv7tToKuQo6tzfhx8d2G_Uob_jWmhCe' }, appName: 'chat.rocket.reactnative', userId: 'eXZuJAxCq49Sgitse', enabled: true, createdAt: 2018-08-24T04:00:27.107Z, updatedAt: 2018-08-24T14:47:38.462Z }