Previously submitted content is restored to the input screen

The following events are occurring.
When the user changes channels and returns, the previously transmitted contents are restored to the input screen. This phenomenon occurs especially when a file is sent.
(Enter message → drag and drop file to be sent → send → change channel → move to original channel → message is restored to the input screen)

Do you know the cause or how to deal with it?

Sorry if there is a mistake in translation.

Server configuration information:
Rocket.Chat server version: 6.12.1
Operating system: Ubuntu 20.04
DB replica set Oplog: 5.0 (featureCompatibilityVersion: { version: ‘5.0’ },)
Nodejs version: 14.19.3
MongoDB version: 5.0.28
Upgrade history:
RocketChat3.12.0 → RocketChat3.18.7 → remove nodejs12 → mongodb (4.0.23 → 4.2 → 4.4 ->) raise to 5.0.28 → RocketChat4.8.7 (install nodejs14 at the same time) → RocketChat5 .4.10→RocketChat 6.12.1
Best regards

I think there are some issues with 6.12.1 and channels/scrolling etc

See if that looks like your issue.

Also test on open with both the client and a browser.

Hmmm, it is not that the history cannot be loaded, but rather that when you move to another channel and then come back to the original channel, the sent message is restored to the input screen.
I checked and it doesn’t seem to happen with

What is the client?

I have seen this in the Android app but I have not seen it in a browser.

We use a desktop application and a browser.
Have you been able to determine the cause or find a solution to the problem when it occurs in the Android app?