New uikit and components

Hello ,
I am using the new methods
await modify.getUiController().openSurfaceView(modal, { triggerId: triggerId }, context.getSender());

since getblockbuilder() and also openModalView() are deprecated.
The code is working fine but the modal is not being displayed

Earlier we used to make a block object like
const block = modify.getCreator().getBlockBuilder();
and then keep on adding the block components accordingly now it is no longer valid.

Has anyone been able to use the new uikit and component ?
and also the new alternative of const block = modify.getCreator().getBlockBuilder();

Faced exactly the same problem, the documentation has not yet been updated, but the method is already deprecated. It’s not at all clear how to get BlockBuilder now to build modal windows, it’s also not clear how to update them now, because he modify.getUiController().updateModalView() method is also deprecated…