Need help with rc registration & login (api/custom login) - paid

I am a developer looking to bring in some help to link up my rocket chat app with another app - I have decent experience with RC and know these are possible but need a bit of help to do it as I’m on a deadline. What I need to do:

A login that logs a user into rocket chat and forwards to my other app (they need to be able to receive notifications from RC)
API integration with other registration systems (e.g. Someone registers on my app and it registers them on RC)
Upload bulk attendees and send out passwords (Upload a CSV doc which registers users AND sets passwords)


Hello there,
Hope you’re doing good.

I can help with your requirement.

Kindly reach me at or skype me at live: luis_18439.

Have a nice day.


Hello @benj
Hope you are doing great!

Would like to work on your requirement,

kindly reach me over diana.c(at)(talentsfromindia)(dotcom) or skype me at diana_14674

Looking forward to hearing from you soon!

Warm Regards