Migrating uploaded files from filesystem to S3 storage

Do you know if the “filestore-migrator” tool is working now?

I’m using filesystem storage for the uploaded files, but would like to move to an S3 storage.

I was very happy when I found the filestor-migrator tool, that could do that, but now I’m worried since there’s a bug report there, which claims that the cloud storage support is broken in that tool:

Has anyone used it recently to migrate to S3 storage?

Or maybe you know some other way to do that?

This thread has someone using it.


I would seriously suggest you do some testing on a test installation first, and make sure you have a lot of backups.

Try moving files from GridFS to local storage first, and after try a bucket.

You can even run something like minio and create you own local S3 buckets to test. Plenty of guides on the interwebs.