Hi, I have Rocket Chat running on Ubuntu 18 and was wondering about file uploads and loading images from the server.
Here are the installation details:
Server Setup Information
- Version of Rocket.Chat Server: 3.2.2
- Operating System: Ubuntu 18.4
- Deployment Method: Snap
- Number of Running Instances: 1
- DB Replicaset Oplog:
- NodeJS Version: v12.16.1
- MongoDB Version: 3.6.14
- Proxy: caddy
- Firewalls involved:N/A
I’ve successfully managed to switch from GridFS to local File Storage, which is writing to the common/uploads directory inside of the snap for rocket chat. I’m successfully able to see the images writing there from a user upload, but it doesn’t seemingly write the file, but a copy of it.
I’m able to refer to these images in chat by doing this: 
What I want to know is, can I load images into the chat, from the server that was never uploaded via the chat? I have images on the server that I want to be able to “send” or display in chat. Is there any way to do this?