Hi there,
The Import/Sync of my LDAP Groups doen’t work, so the channel and right creation ether.
Ther User Import/Sync works great.
Here is my Config:
LDAP Usergroup Filter:
(&(sAMAccountName=#{username})(memberof:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:=CN=#{groupName},DC=XXXXXXXXX,DC=de (objectCategory=person)(objectClass=user))
LDPA Group BaseDN:
Here is a Snipped of the logs:
I20200525-15:03:24.055(2) LDAP ➔ Search.info Searching by id 3b14c50eefe91544a91afefbcbd7c18b
I20200525-15:03:24.055(2) LDAP ➔ Search.debug search filter (objectGUID=;���D�������)
I20200525-15:03:24.056(2) LDAP ➔ Search.debug BaseDN DC=stadtnortheim,DC=de
I20200525-15:03:24.059(2) LDAP ➔ Search.info Search result count 1
I20200525-15:03:24.060(2) LDAPSync ➔ info Syncing user data
I20200525-15:03:24.060(2) LDAPSync ➔ debug user { email: undefined, _id: ‘L86cw6xiZAkz2Q2QJ’ }
I20200525-15:03:24.061(2) LDAPSync ➔ debug ldapUser undefined
I20200525-15:03:24.063(2) LDAPSync ➔ debug User role exists for mapping Systemadministratoren -> admin
I20200525-15:03:24.065(2) LDAP ➔ Search.info Search result count 0
I20200525-15:03:24.071(2) LDAPSync ➔ debug XXXXXXXX is not in Systemadministratoren group!!!
I20200525-15:03:24.073(2) LDAPSync ➔ debug User role exists for mapping Alle Benutzer -> user
I20200525-15:03:24.076(2) LDAP ➔ Search.info Search result count 0
I20200525-15:03:24.077(2) LDAPSync ➔ debug XXXXXXXX is not in Alle Benutzer group!!!
I20200525-15:03:24.083(2) server.js:204 LDAPSync ➔ error Unexpected error : Unexpected token in JSON at position 1492
and my Active Directory Structure:
Server Setup Information
- Version of Rocket.Chat Server: 3.2.1
- Operating System: Ubuntu Server 18.04.4 LTS
- Deployment Method: tar
- Number of Running Instances: 1
- DB Replicaset Oplog: ??
- NodeJS Version: v12.16.3
- MongoDB Version: 4.0.18
- Proxy: no
- Firewalls involved: no