Install offline with snap

I am using Lubuntu to install the latest version from Rocket Chat. I cant use snap to download the files from the web because our company is blocking all HTTPS access. I installed the core snap and then the rocketchat-server. All wenn fine but I cant access the server when I open a browser on that machine through localhost:3000

I ran

sudo service snap.rocketchat-server.rocketchat-server status
sudo service snap.rocketchat-server.rocketchat-mongo status
sudo service snap.rocketchat-server.rocketchat-caddy status

Does anybody know how to solve this?


What is the output of sudo service snap.rocketchat-server.rocketchat-server status?

Thanks for your reply. The status did not point to any errors but I had to move on. I ended up creating the virtual machine on my home PC, then doing the manual installation as described in the docs. That worked fine, I then exported the VM and imported it on the PC at work. I am now up and running.


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