I’m trying to move from an old version 0.46.0 to the the latest snap version. I tried dumping my old data with mongodump, compressing the dump to rocketchat_backup_20211019.1117.tar.gz, moving the archived dump to /var/snap/rocketchat-server/common/backup/
Finally, I run the restor command below:
user@host:~$ sudo snap run rocketchat-server.restoredb /var/snap/rocketchat-server/common/backup/rocketchat_backup_20211019.1117.tar.gz
WARNING: cgroup v2 is not fully supported yet, proceeding with partial confinement
* Your current database WILL BE DROPPED prior to the restore!
* Do you want to continue?
1) Yes
2) No
#? 1
[*] Extracting backup file...
ls: cannot access '/var/snap/rocketchat-server/common/restore/dump/parties': No such file or directory
[!] No restore data found within /var/snap/rocketchat-server/common/restore/dump/parties!
[*] Check /var/snap/rocketchat-server/common/restore/restore_20211019.1120.log for details.
[-] Restore aborted!
If I can’t do a restore using restoredb due to my data dump coming from a really old version, can I manually import user, message, and room data manually flat files using mongoimport?
Thanks for the info on the upgrade path! We have a very small team (< 10 members). I might be interested in dumping users, messages, and rooms and importing them with mongoimport. Thoughts on the feasibility of this type of import?