If I setup a rocket chat server in China, Can I use video conference? Due to Jitsi meet is banned in China App store

If I setup a rocket chat server in China, Can I use video conference? Due to Jitsi meet is banned in China App store.

Hi Sam,

No, you can’t. Jitsi won’t work in China.

Thank you,

Thanks Rafael.

What I really need is voice conference. Is there any alternative way to solve this problem?

Maybe WebRTC. I’ll try to configure it.

You can probably use if you use a device with different region/language and a VPN.

WebRTC needs stun server. We can not access google server in China. I am going to setup a stun server.

but I don’t really understand those thing: stun:stun.l.google.com:19302, stun:, team%40rocket.chat:demo@turn:numb.viagenie.ca:3478

I am green hand for Linux. not sure this page will work or not.

But, there are two options to turn on video chat in channel, one is BBB video chat, other is video chat.
I didn’t see any options about WebRTC video chat. I enabled WebRTC already.

If Google Hangouts is not blocked you can use their service. Or try another one.

Thanks. Jololocat.

Sadly, Google is blocked for many years in China.

I was thinking of your suggestion.
Google Hangouts can’t be used in China.
But we can use Zoom. Can I use Zoom for video conference?
I can give every chat room a Zoom meeting id.

Hi Sam,

you need to test it. My Zoom account doesn’t accept a Random String.
A new Video Call with the Jitsi settings will create a Video Link with this Settings:
Domain: hangouts.google.com/hangouts/_
URL Room Prefix: mydomain.com/

Created URL:

Result: https://hangouts.google.com/hangouts/_/mydomain.com/nsHLWKwfKAziMRBPF9LvDYmhcDNcsPKJf

By using Zoom it creates a not working URL for me:

But in the End RC is just adding Strings to create a full URL. So it shouldn’t be too much work to support more Video Solutions.

If you have Dev skills you can have a look how a Jitsi URL will be created:

Sorry, I needed to split my answer because of some security settings in this forum.

Thank you very much Jololocat.

I guess that Zoom works in a different mode with Bigbluebutton, Jisti, or Google hangouts.
I was thinking of a different way to add video conference function to Rocket Chat.

Above link could join a meeting within browser. If I can put this browser inside of Rocket chat room. That will work for me.