Help with Slackbridge


I have slackbridge set up as close as I can tell, exactly how they say. I have the correct API, I have approved the user/bot and I have added the bot to the specified room. In slack it looks right too. However, the only thing I can see that could be an issue is that the bot user says “offline” in it’s status.

I am receiving messages and seeing them in the correct channel but ones I send are not appearing in Slack. I have “SlackBridge Out All” set to Ture

Server Setup Information

  • Version of Rocket.Chat Server: 0.74.3
  • Operating System: Linux
  • Deployment Method: tar
  • Number of Running Instances: 1
  • DB Replicaset Oplog:
  • NodeJS Version:
  • MongoDB Version:
  • Proxy: apache
  • Firewalls involved: none

Any additional Information

Feb 20 19:41:34 localhost rocketchat[11037]: message:
Feb 20 19:41:34 localhost rocketchat[11037]: { _id: ‘cLFDYfAN2nJwuKMR7’,
Feb 20 19:41:34 localhost rocketchat[11037]: rid: ‘Bf5u4JPfktneZMkpf’,
Feb 20 19:41:34 localhost rocketchat[11037]: msg: ‘test’,
Feb 20 19:41:34 localhost rocketchat[11037]: ts: 2020-02-20T19:41:34.912Z,
Feb 20 19:41:34 localhost rocketchat[11037]: u:
Feb 20 19:41:34 localhost rocketchat[11037]: { _id: ‘LXhqs7ixZjMkuEk8F’,
Feb 20 19:41:34 localhost rocketchat[11037]: username: ‘anders’,
Feb 20 19:41:34 localhost rocketchat[11037]: name: ‘Anders Finn’ },
Feb 20 19:41:34 localhost rocketchat[11037]: _updatedAt: 2020-02-20T19:41:34.933Z,
Feb 20 19:41:34 localhost rocketchat[11037]: editedBy: undefined,
Feb 20 19:41:34 localhost rocketchat[11037]: editedAt: undefined,
Feb 20 19:41:34 localhost rocketchat[11037]: emoji: undefined,
Feb 20 19:41:34 localhost rocketchat[11037]: avatar: undefined,
Feb 20 19:41:34 localhost rocketchat[11037]: alias: undefined,
Feb 20 19:41:34 localhost rocketchat[11037]: customFields: undefined,
Feb 20 19:41:34 localhost rocketchat[11037]: groupable: undefined,
Feb 20 19:41:34 localhost rocketchat[11037]: attachments: undefined,
Feb 20 19:41:34 localhost rocketchat[11037]: reactions: undefined,
Feb 20 19:41:34 localhost rocketchat[11037]: parseUrls: undefined,
Feb 20 19:41:34 localhost rocketchat[11037]: mentions: ,
Feb 20 19:41:34 localhost rocketchat[11037]: channels: ,
Feb 20 19:41:34 localhost rocketchat[11037]: sandstormSessionId: null },
Feb 20 19:41:34 localhost rocketchat[11037]: room:
Feb 20 19:41:34 localhost rocketchat[11037]: { _id: ‘Bf5u4JPfktneZMkpf’,
Feb 20 19:41:34 localhost rocketchat[11037]: name: ‘openfiber’,
Feb 20 19:41:34 localhost rocketchat[11037]: fname: ‘openfiber’,
Feb 20 19:41:34 localhost rocketchat[11037]: t: ‘p’,
Feb 20 19:41:34 localhost rocketchat[11037]: msgs: 52,
Feb 20 19:41:34 localhost rocketchat[11037]: usersCount: 2,
Feb 20 19:41:34 localhost rocketchat[11037]: u: { _id: ‘NbuQB8tgW7BSJxDsx’, username: ‘ted’ },
Feb 20 19:41:34 localhost rocketchat[11037]: ts: 2020-02-20T17:35:16.337Z,
Feb 20 19:41:34 localhost rocketchat[11037]: ro: false,
Feb 20 19:41:34 localhost rocketchat[11037]: sysMes: true,
Feb 20 19:41:34 localhost rocketchat[11037]: _updatedAt: 2020-02-20T19:39:43.338Z,
Feb 20 19:41:34 localhost rocketchat[11037]: importIds: [ ‘GTRANHBFT’ ],
Feb 20 19:41:34 localhost rocketchat[11037]: lastMessage:
Feb 20 19:41:34 localhost rocketchat[11037]: { _id: ‘GeyX4f9rmd8r9mcqg’,
Feb 20 19:41:34 localhost rocketchat[11037]: rid: ‘Bf5u4JPfktneZMkpf’,
Feb 20 19:41:34 localhost rocketchat[11037]: msg: ‘why’,
Feb 20 19:41:34 localhost rocketchat[11037]: ts: 2020-02-20T19:39:43.302Z,
Feb 20 19:41:34 localhost rocketchat[11037]: u: [Object],
Feb 20 19:41:34 localhost rocketchat[11037]: _updatedAt: 2020-02-20T19:39:43.326Z,
Feb 20 19:41:34 localhost rocketchat[11037]: mentions: ,
Feb 20 19:41:34 localhost rocketchat[11037]: channels: ,
Feb 20 19:41:34 localhost rocketchat[11037]: sandstormSessionId: null },
Feb 20 19:41:34 localhost rocketchat[11037]: lm: 2020-02-20T19:39:43.302Z,
Feb 20 19:41:34 localhost rocketchat[11037]: topic: ‘Communication with OpenFiber Team’,
Feb 20 19:41:34 localhost rocketchat[11037]: username: ‘anders’ } }
Feb 20 19:41:34 localhost rocketchat[11037]: server.js:199 Integrations ➔ Outgoing WebHook.debug Starting search for triggers for the room: Bf5u4JPfktneZMkpf
Feb 20 19:41:34 localhost rocketchat[11037]: server.js:199 Integrations ➔ Outgoing WebHook.debug Found 0 to iterate over and see if the match the event.