I have Azure AD Authentication up and running on our system. We are trying to get Channels populated based on Azure Group Memberships as per [NEW] OAuth groups to channels mapping by arminfelder · Pull Request #18146 · RocketChat/Rocket.Chat · GitHub
At this point I have confirmed in the logs that Azure is supplying the group information to the OAuth provider in the format:
"groups": [
I am looking for some guidance as to what is required for the “Roles/Groups field name” and “OAuth Group Channel Map” fields.
For Roles/Groups field name I have tried variations such as “{{group}}”, “group”, etc.
OAuth Field Map Current Value:
"<guid>": "<channel>"
If does not exist, then it is created with the user specified in “User Data Group Map” as owner, so *something" is happening in the background, but the user is never added to that channel.
Any insights as to how to read these properties would be appreciated.
Server Setup Information
- Version of Rocket.Chat Server: 3.9.1
- Operating System: Ubuntu 20.04
- Deployment Method:Docker
- Number of Running Instances: 1
- DB Replicaset Oplog: Enabled
- NodeJS Version:
- MongoDB Version:
- Proxy: NGinx
- Firewalls involved: