Config recovery per cli?


I need a miracle… :wink:
I just successfully destroyed my cute debian server by disabling the login. Is there any way to roll back config by cli? Access via ssh is ok, just the web doesn’t show any login window.
Now wondering if there’s a config file or a db command to check/correct.
All I wanted to do is to disable registrations. ;(

Any hint appreciated, thanks for your ideas.

Just a test server, but a couple of hours in it anyway…


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Right click browser window click inspect. Then go to console tab of that window. Paste that snippet in the console and swap username and password for your own and hit return. Should log you in.

Thanks, Gleb.

Unfortunately, I deleted this VM 2 months ago and built a new one.
But hopefully, your hint shall help someone else doing the same stupidity… :slight_smile:

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One way to do it is to have your CLI application bring up a menu. For instance; four choices and a line that says to enter a number from 1 to 4 and hit Enter.