June 7, 2021, 6:27pm
My Rocket.Chat server has stopped working this morning.
The logs show the above error: Can’t find migration version 225.
Server Setup Information
Version of Rocket.Chat Server: docker/latest (3.15.0)
Operating System: Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS
Deployment Method: docker
Number of Running Instances: 1
MongoDB Version: 3.6
Proxy: traefik
Can you please give us a bit of history?
Read this for how to report issues:
# Rocket.Chat - Asking for help
For users with issues with Rocket.Chat please do yourselves a few favours before asking for help.
Before you start.
First, you must ALWAYS test on the latest version of Rocket.Chat - you can also try []( which always runs development versions. A large amount of issues are fixed with an update.
You are going to need to provide some basic information if you want a chance of resolving your issue.
This file has been truncated. show original
Are you using rocketchat:latest in your compose file??
You should not do that.
I think an update was released for 3.14.5 that was set as latest which then meant docker installs tried to downgrade themselves.
Please set rocketchat:3.15 in your compose file and try again?
June 8, 2021, 11:32am
Thank you, it’s working again.
According to Docker Hub “latest” points to 3.15.0, but that seems to not be the case, hence my confusion.
I’ll no longer use rocketchat:latest from now on.
Yes, this has been fixed (there was mistake in the push).
Sorry for the trouble!!
June 8, 2021, 4:30pm
No problem, thanks for your quick help!
I had been using “latest” in the compose for over 2 years w/o any trouble, but this should never be done in production, I know…
“Hoist on your own petard”
At least it is fixed!