Cannot login, update, delete or sync Crowd directory due to users that share a common crowd_username

The following are a couple of examples of crowd_usernames that conflict, leaving us with no alternatives for cleaning up the users or login in as them. This seems to be impacting our sync up with Crowd. Any ideas would be appreciated. Tried every way I can think of to delete users or modify them, but all attempts basically lead to the same fate, something similar to this which comes back from the REST api:

“success”: false,
“error”: “Cannot read property ‘_id’ of undefined”

    "_id": "haXYxZuT3cPi8XZQs",
    "createdAt": "2019-01-01T15:11:53.109Z",
    "username": "stoopid",
    "emails": [
            "address": "",
            "verified": true
    "type": "user",
    "status": "offline",
    "active": true,
    "_updatedAt": "2019-08-31T07:53:58.519Z",
    "roles": [
    "name": "Bob Jones",
    "crowd": true,
    "crowd_username": "jim",
    "lastLogin": "2019-08-31T07:52:44.777Z",
    "statusConnection": "offline",
    "utcOffset": -6,
    "avatarOrigin": "upload",
    "statusText": "wut",
    "requirePasswordChange": false

        "_id": "DogCsiovrt9E2GETh",
        "createdAt": "2019-02-04T13:33:22.630Z",
        "username": "jimmy",
        "emails": [
                "address": "",
                "verified": true
        "type": "user",
        "status": "offline",
        "active": false,
        "_updatedAt": "2019-08-31T07:31:46.230Z",
        "roles": [
        "name": "Bill Smith",
        "crowd": true,
        "crowd_username": "jim",
        "lastLogin": "2019-08-30T22:06:48.091Z",
        "statusConnection": "offline",
        "utcOffset": -4,
        "requirePasswordChange": false,
        "statusText": ""