Currently I am trying to setup Livechat with a RASA Chatbot and Rocket Chat Realtime API.
My problem right now is that my bot only responds to the user in a livechat room when i set the channel of the bot’s outgoing webhook to all_private_groups.
When I transfer the chat from the bot to a human livechat agent, the bot leaves the livechat room but is still capable of sending messages into the livechat room.
I did configure my rocketchat instance with the environmental variables (RESPOND_TO_LIVECHAT, etc.).
Am I missing something? Thanks in advance
Server Setup Information
- Version of Rocket.Chat Server: 3.4.2
- Operating System: macOS (x64)
- Deployment Method: Docker
- Number of Running Instances: 1
- DB Replicaset Oplog:
- NodeJS Version: 13-alpine
- MongoDB Version: 4.2
- Proxy: —
- Firewalls involved: —
Any additional Information
Has anyone an idea, why it only works when the outgoing webhook is set to all_private_groups? Because of that the bot receives unwanted messages of private groups which it is not part of.
Hi there!
I am somewhat at the same boat of yours.
I am trying to put rasa into the Rocketchat bot, and make it answer livechat/omnichannel and direct messages.
The problem with this approach is that, when you set up the outgoing webhook, and set it to all_private_groups or all_direct_messages, it will trigger the hook for ALL messages indeed.
So even if you have a user interacting with the bot, and later hand it over to someone, all messages from all private groups will be handed over to the integration. This will lead to the bot eventually having the permission to answer, but also hammering the rasa endpoint with unnecessary http hits inward and outwards (when it tries to answer)
Rocketchat could have some other fields at the request, so one would be able to filter that with some scripts.
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Hi! Since this post, a lot has changed.
We now have a Rocket.Chat App to integrate with Rasa. Check it out: