What token to use to authenticate without login


My idea is that a user click on the link:
https: xxxxxxx.rocket.chat/home?token=yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
and directly appear as logged.

Does anyone know the steps to follow to get it?

The token generation option is already activated from the menu, I have generated a token for a user, but I do not know which token I must enter to authenticate without login.


I need this info too. I am trying to get SSO to work between Wordpress and my Rocket Chat installation, but I still have to click on the login button of the login screen.

@pacoeu have you got any solutions ?

Still of very high interest. No solution for this is currently being packages with Rocket Chat

I believe the token taken here is one that you get if you login via the rest api

Is it possible to generate authToken from my Personal Access Tokens so my users can login using the ?resumeToken generated by their personalToken + userId