Unraid Server Setup Help: Rocket.Chat, LetsEncrypt, DuckDNS

Hey all,

I’m having some trouble setting up my Rocket.Chat server successfully. I’m fairly new at all this, so I imagine my questions might be a bit basic, but I’ve combed the forums, support channel, and docs, and haven’t found a solution that seems to fit my scenario.

First of all, I’m running the latest version of unRaid (v 6.6.7). There are several applications on the server right now running through docker, many of which I have set up through letsencrypt with DNSduck, all working successfully.

LetsEncrypt in my case is running as a standalone docker applicaion with nginx running in it. The specific docker template is located here: https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-letsencrypt.

I’m also running a separate docker instance of MongoDB.

I’ve been successful in getting rocket.chat to work over my local network, however, I haven’t been able to figure out how to configure nginx (inside of LetsEncrypt) properly. Notably, the other applications I’m running through lets encrypt come with configuration samples, which I’ve found fairly easy to edit. Those are located in:


If anyone here has successfully run Rocket.Chat with these parameters, a point in the right direction would be great!